

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers Over Composite Resin Veneers

Veneers are quite handy to cover gaps between teeth, broken teeth, crooked teeth and also stained teeth. It is a commonly opted method and requires only one or two visits…

What Are The Benefits Of A Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment, also known as Endodontic therapy, is a damage cure therapy for a damaged tooth. In a root canal treatment, the damaged tooth is repaired. With the root…

Study: 32% Canadians admit to not having visited a Dentist in 2 years

Hi. as per a latest report compiled after a survey conducted by us at the Sapphire Dental Centre, we have come across some interesting stats and figures that explain the…

Effectiveness of Whitening Toothpastes

Are you thinking of using whitening toothpaste but worried about its effectiveness? Whitening toothpaste is advertised as stain remover from the teeth. Though, they can clean the surface stain but…

Porcelain inlay & Porcelain Outlay in Dentistry

What is a Porcelain Inlay/Outlay? What is a Porcelain Inlay or an Outlay? It is a custom made insert which is used to fit inside of a prepared tooth. It…

Dental Health Care Tips

All know, poor dental health hygiene can lead to various medical and dental problems such a gum diseases, infections and heart diseases. Here are some of the Oral hygiene tips…


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