If a tooth is damaged because of decay or trauma, your dentist will do everything he can to save it. In some cases however, it becomes necessary to have a tooth extraction. Tooth extraction is a routine dental procedure and there are many methods that your dentist can use to restore the look of your smile including dentures, partials and tooth implants.
Before your smile can be restored however, it is necessary to follow proper aftercare procedures when you have had a tooth extraction. The following are our top tips to help you recover and heal as quickly as possible.
- Take painkillers and/or antibiotics as prescribed.
Depending on how complex your tooth extraction is, your dentist may prescribe painkillers and/or antibiotics. Read and follow the instructions when taking any of these medications. With antibiotics, do not stop taking them just because you feel better – take the full course of the prescription to protect yourself against infection.
- Don’t smoke.
Smoking is always bad for your health, but we especially recommend that you refrain from smoking for at least 24 hours after a tooth extraction. This is because smoking restricts blood flow and can increase the risk of infection.
- Don’t touch the area.
After a tooth extraction, the area around the gums will feel strange and it can be tempting to poke the area with your finger or tongue. Resist this urge as this can cause further bleeding. Instead, use the gauze that will be provided by your dentist.
- Use salt water.
Gently swishing warm (not hot) lightly salted water in your mouth can help keep the area of your mouth clean and help to prevent infection. Remember to swish very gently in order to avoid dislodging the blood clot. Doing this regularly for a few days after your tooth extraction can help with the healing process. k
- Remember to brush and floss.
After a tooth extraction, your mouth is going to be sensitive for a few days and you may not feel like brushing or flossing. It is important though that you brush and floss your other teeth as you normally would. This helps to remove bacteria from your mouth which might otherwise increase the chance of infection of the area where your tooth was removed.
No dental patient likes to hear that they need a tooth extraction, but at Sapphire Dental our highly trained dentists and caring staff will always do their best to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Furthermore, if you follow the recommended aftercare instructions, it will help to expedite the healing process.