Porcelain Veneers: Are They the Best Option for Whiter Teeth?

One of the biggest cosmetic complaints that people have about their teeth is that they wish their teeth were whiter. And while teeth whitening is the most common solution that people choose, there are times when porcelain veneers might actually be a better option. Porcelain veneers are a thin layer of material that a dentist […]

Why Should You Visit Your Dentist Regularly?

We get it. Most people don’t count going to the dentist among their favourite things to do. And if your teeth look and feel healthy to you, you may be wondering if having a dental visit every six months is worth the hassle. Well, even if your teeth feel fine, there are some very good […]

When Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

A dental crown is a tooth shaped cap which is used to protect the tooth underneath and restore its appearance. The procedure is usually done in two or three separate appointments. In the first appointment, a mold is made of your mouth so that the dental crown can be made to perfectly fit your bit. […]

Full Mouth Restoration to Enhance Your Overall Health

Did you know that your dental health can affect every other part of your overall health? If you have missing or decayed teeth, that is naturally going to impact your diet. Missing teeth can also lead to bone density loss in the jaw. If a tooth is infected, that infection can potentially find its way […]

Can dental implants change the shape of the face?

Many patients ask us if dental implants can change the shape of the face. And the answer is that they absolutely can! But, more importantly they can prevent changes to the shape of your face. Many people don’t realize that the loss of a tooth has a much greater impact on the mouth than just […]

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

Cosmetic dentistry refers to any dental work that is not deemed medically necessary. It specifically refers to dental work that improves the appearance of the teeth, gums and/or bite, but not necessarily the functionality of the bite. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on your smile, and procedures that can help improve the colour, shape, size, or alignment […]

Improve the Appearance of Your Smile!

If you have broken, crooked, discoloured or missing teeth, then you may not be as confident as you could be with your smile. Fortunately, there are many dental procedures that can not only help to restore your oral health, but they can also help you feel better about yourself. One of the most common procedures […]

Seven Myths About Root Canal Treatment!

When it comes to dental treatments, one in particular, has a lot of myths sounding it. Root canal treatment may be necessary and beneficial for a number of reasons, but some of these myths have made some patients fearful of this routine procedure. In this article, we will discuss seven myths about root canal treatment […]

Your Questions About Tooth Extraction Answered!

When your dentist using the words “tooth extraction” it can cause your heart to skip a beat. It is understandable that you may be nervous, but the truth is that tooth extractions are a fairly common and simple dental procedure and the methods used today help the patient to experience minimal pain. And if your […]

What to do when you need an Emergency Dentist

Dental emergencies can be scary, but if you know what to do, the outcome is usually much better. Stay calm and follow these steps. Understand the difference between an urgent dental emergency and a non-urgent dental emergency. You will need to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible if a tooth has been knocked […]

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