What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?

Most of us experience it at some point in our lives. We drink something hot or cold and BAM, we are hit with a pain in our teeth. Or perhaps it’s more subtle. Perhaps it’s a dull ache that we get when we brush or floss. And although tooth sensitivity is a very common problem, […]

What Are Dental Inlays and Onlays and Why Are They Recommended?

Has your dentist recommended that you get a dental inlay or perhaps a dental onlay? And are you wondering what the heck he is talking about? If you have had cavities or other damage to your teeth in the past, you may be more familiar with dental fillings or crowns – but sometimes inlays or […]

How dental bonding can transform the look of your teeth?

If you are dissatisfied with the look of your smile because you have misshapen or gapped teeth, then dental bonding could be the ideal treatment to help you transform the look of your teeth and give you a confident smile. Dental bonding is a pain-free and minimally invasive procedure that can help give you the […]

Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost?

It’s no secret that dental implants are among the pricier dental treatments that a person can get in Canada – usually costing in excess of $2000 for a single tooth. And if you do not have insurance that will cover the bulk of that cost, you may be wondering whether dental implants are really worth […]

How Regular Dental Check-ups Can Prevent Serious Health Issues?

You know that having regular dental check-ups is important to help catch and prevent cavities, but did you know that by seeing your dentist once every six months, you may also be preventing some very serious health issues in the future? Here are three ways that regular dental check-ups are important for your overall health: […]

Sedation Dentistry: Is it Right for You?

It is a well-known fact that some people experience fear when they visit their dentist. In some cases, the fear may only be mild nervousness. In other cases, anxiety over dental visits can be so extreme that it causes them to avoid going to the dentist altogether. This of course is never a good idea […]

When is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Nobody likes to hear from their dentist that they need to have a tooth removed. But sometimes tooth extraction is the best option to preserve your overall dental health. While your dentist will do what she can to save your tooth whenever possible, there are certain circumstances in which she will recommend tooth extraction as […]

A Comprehensive Overview of Dental Bridges!

If you have missing teeth, you may be wondering whether a dental bridge is right for you. While this is something that really needs to be discussed with your dentist after an examination, here is an overview of what you can expect if you are getting a bridge. What is a dental bridge? A bridge […]

Aftercare Instructions for Root Canals!

Root canals are a fairly common dental procedure and are often the best option to help a patient save an infected tooth. While the pain involved in getting a root canal is typically no more than that of getting a filling, there can be some discomfort for a few hours or sometimes days following. In […]

Can You Use a Sports Mouth Guard for Teeth Grinding?

If you have bruxism (grinding of the teeth), your dentist is likely to recommend that you start wearing a custom mouth guard at night while you sleep. And, if you play competitive sports, you might think to yourself whether you could just wear your regular sports mouth guard and save yourself the additional expense. While […]

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